Bateman Baptist Church is located in Bateman/Red Rock, Texas. We are a down to earth community church who worships God in spirit and truth. Our dress code is casual and we have a family-friendly culture. Come worship with us!
Bateman’s Core Beliefs
Trinity – We believe that there is one God, He is the creator of everything, who and has eternally existed in three persons:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:1-2)
God the Father – We believe that God the Father reigns in love over His creation, and that by faith, we become His children.
(Acts 17:24-28)
God the Son – We believe that the eternal Son of God became the man, Jesus of Nazareth. We believe that Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension really happened and are our only hope for redemption from sin ,and to have peace with God.
(John 1:1-18)
God the Holy Spirit – We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, regenerates believers from death to new life, and helps believers in spiritual-growth and ministry. (John 3:5-8; 14:16-17).
Jesus’ Return – We believe that Jesus will return to Earth; the dead will be raised; and Jesus will judge all of humanity. We believe that the righteous in Christ will live in Heaven with Him for eternity, and that the unrighteous will exist in eternal Hell.
(Revelation 20:11-22:7)
Humanity – We believe that all humans are specially created by God in His image. We believe that, by nature and choice, we all have sinned against God and have brought judgment and condemnation upon ourselves. (Genesis 1:26-27)
Salvation – We believe that mankind is unable to satisfy God’s penalty for sin. We believe salvation is possible through faith because Jesus’ death and resurrection covers the condemnation a believer deserves, and grants the believer righteousness they don’t deserve. (2 Corinthians 5:17-21)
Scripture – We believe the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit, is totally true and trustworthy, and is the supreme standard for all conduct and belief. (2 Timothy 3:16)
Marriage – We believe that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime.
(Genesis 2:15-25)
The Church – We believe that our local church should strive for unity in Christ in all things as we tend to the missions of evangelism and discipleship. (1 Corinthians 1:10)
Evangelism – We believe that it is the duty and privilege of every follower of Christ to continually seek to win nonbelievers to Him by verbal witness, and a lifestyle in accordance with the gospel. (John 15:8)
Discipleship – We believe that followers of Christ live daily with Him, love others, and continually seek to grow in Christ-likeness. (Matthew 28:19-20)
For further explanations of our Baptist beliefs and relevant scriptures please see The 2000 Baptist Faith and Message at (